The Author
Cynthia P. Stitt is an inspirational author, poet, song-writer, and stage-play writer. She is a five year military veteran who reached the rank of Captain in the United States Air Force, and has been preaching the Gospel since May of 2000 and was ordained in July 2006. She is married to Jeff Stitt, she has two sons Joshua and Jalen and played an active role in caring for her Goddaughter Cearra Crawford Friday.
She has a passion for Public Health and willingly serves the people in her community. She faithfully volunteers in the Highland Community at the Erwin Center where she works with a group of young men and women referred to as “My Sistahs and My Brothers”.
What Readers Are Saying
This book is an amazing story of a girl who was abused and overcome adversity. It tells a story of child abuse, mental abuse, and physical abuse. Something that thousands of women have gone through and who haven’t overcome some of those issues. Please order and read I have the hardback as well. It can be used to reach a child, a teenager, and a adult.
This book taught me to watch who I trust in all aspects of life (even the ones that you think are closest to you). Everybody that smile in your face and appears to care, are not always there for you in the end. Overall, great book. It’s a must read. I have read Cynthia’s book, No Longer The Victim, I found the book to be very open and honest about her life experiences.